So, Why Hire an Auto Injury Attorney?
I’ve been in practice as a personal injury attorney specializing in auto injury law for twenty five years. During that period of time countless clients attempted pursuit of their claims prior to hiring me and expressed their frustration with the insurance companies they were dealing with and how they felt totally frustrated by the process. Without legal representation, they were offered low ball settlement amounts and felt totally taken advantage of by the insurance companies. Unfortunately, using a term my father taught me, insurance companies are not eleemosynary (charitable) institutions. Insurance is big business and they most definitely are in business for profit. That means the less they pay in claims the happier they are, which in turn translates to unhappiness and frustration for you, the claimant; that is of course unless you stand up for your rights through the threat of litigation which an auto injury attorney can pursue on your behalf. Of those countless clients who were reluctant to hire an auto injury attorney at first and chose to represent themselves, each and every one of them settled their cases after retaining my office for an amount well in excess of the amounts they were offered prior to hiring counsel. To be more specific, after hiring an auto injury attorney, my office settled their cases for an amount well in excess of the amount they were offered even after payment of all medical bills and deduction of the attorney’s fee. In addition, the overwhelming majority of those cases were settled before the need to file a lawsuit. The threat of pursuing your rights in court alone was sufficient to reach a satisfactory settlement without the need to go to court. Don’t let the insurance companies profit at your expense. Hire an auto injury attorney. I answer my calls personally!!!