As a parent, it may be wise to ask yourself and your children of driving age, how good a driver you, or they, think they are. Do you think you’re better than the average driver? When considering the response, be aware of the comparison to others out on the road. Responses such as “I think I’m better than the average driver” are particularly troubling. The fact is, most drivers think they’re better than the average driver. However, the problem with this mind set is that a belief that you’re a better driver than most others out on the road is A SIGNIFICANT RISK FACTOR FOR ULTIMATELY CAUSING AN ACCIDENT IN WHICH YOU AND SOMEONE ELSE ARE INJURED. If a person believes they are better than average, they will be more inclined to take risks behind the wheel that a good driver otherwise would not, i.e., using a smartphone, texting, speeding, and most importantly drinking or consuming other substances which affect your ability to drive. The rationale is that I’m a better driver than most so it’s ok for me to take those risks.
Don’t compare yourself to others. Be the best driver YOU can be. When behind the wheel, put away the phone, drive defensively and don’t drink or do drugs and drive.